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Diresmikan, Puspa Agro Pasar Agrobisnis Terbesar di Indonesia
SURABAYA - Setelah delapan tahun menunggu, Jawa Timur akhirnya punya pasar induk agrobisnis modern terintegrasi pertama di Indonesia, yakni di Desa Jemundo, Taman, Sidoarjo.

Kemarin (17/7), pasar induk yang diberi nama Puspa Agro itu diresmikan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa yang disaksikan Menteri Perdagangan Mari Elka Pangestu, Menteri Pertanian Suswono, serta Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad.

Hanya, yang diresmikan kemarin masih tahap pertama di antara tiga tahap yang direncanakan. Sesuai namanya, pasar tersebut khusus menjual hasil produk pertanian, perkebunan, perikanan, dan peternakan.

Ribuan petani serta pedagang siap melayani pembeli eceran, grosir, hingga partai besar, sehingga diharapkan mampu menjaga pasokan produk hasil bumi. Dengan begitu, harga sayur-mayur dan komoditas pertanian lainnya bisa terus stabil.

''Harga lombok keriting pada Juni lalu hanya Rp 14 ribu per kilo, tapi sekarang sudah Rp 38 ribu. Harganya melonjak karena kelangkaan produk akibat kondisi alam. Dengan adanya Puspa Agro ini, nanti cabai bisa dibuat kering atau bubuk,'' tambahnya.

Pernyataan Soekarwo itu merujuk pada fakta, dengan fasilitas pergudangan dan daya tampung Puspa Agro yang bisa melayani pedagang grosir, produk pertanian, perikanan, maupun peternakan Jatim bisa disimpan serta diolah untuk jangka waktu relatif lama. Dengan demikian, harga komoditas diharapkan bisa lebih stabil.

Pasar tahap I yang diperuntukkan bagi pedagang kecil hingga grosir tersebut memiliki 1.045 lapak yang 30 persen di antaranya diisi para petani dari 22 kabupaten di Jatim. Sementara itu, tahap II yang dijadwalkan beroperasi Desember 2010 berisi 4.000 lapak plus fasilitas cold storage, chiller, balai lelang, serta laboratorium uji kelayakan pangan.

Menurut Soekarwo, Puspa Agro yang didirikan di lahan seluas 50 hektare tersebut nanti tidak hanya menjadi pusat perdagangan, hunian, serta logistik hasil bumi. Namun, pasar itu juga akan menjadi tempat pelatihan dan pendidikan bagi petani, generasi muda, maupun masyarakat umum.

Selain empat menteri, hadir beberapa wakil negara sahabat, pengurus Kadin dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, serta wakil pemprov dari 23 provinsi di Indonesia. Tampak pula mantan Gubernur Jatim Imam Utomo yang mencetuskan ide pasar induk Puspa Agro pada 2002 silam.

Menko Bidang Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa menunjukkan apresiasinya kepada Jatim yang memiliki indikator makro ekonomi di atas rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Dia mengungkapkan, adanya pasar induk itu makin mendongkrak potensi perekonomian Jatim pada masa depan, terutama di bidang pertanian.

''Kami mendukung pasar induk modern ini karena sesuai potensi alam dan sumber daya manusia di Jatim. Puspa Agro bisa meningkatkan perdagangan, baik antarprovinsi maupun antarnegara,'' paparnya.

Hatta berjanji segera membantu Pemprov Jatim untuk merealisasikan infrastruktur koneksivitas (akses) ke pasar agro yang diklaim terbesar kedua di Asia tersebut. Sebab, hingga kini, satu-satunya jalan masuk menuju Puspa Agro hanyalah Jalan Sawunggaling, Jemundo. Itu pun hanya dua jalur . Padahal, diperkirakan arus lalu lintas di jalan tersebut akan meningkat drastis begitu Puspa Agro beroperasi.

''Jadikan pasar induk modern Puspa Agro sebagai pasar percontohan bagi provinsi lain. Kembangkan jaringannya,'' pesan mantan menteri perhubungan itu.

Soft opening Puspa Agro dibuka dengan senam pagi pukul 06.00 yang diikuti sekitar lima ribu orang. Dilanjutkan dengan pencanangan gerakan makan telur dan minum susu. Pada puncak acara, diadakan aksi bakar ikan bandeng terpanjang yang memecahkan dua rekor Muri (Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia) sekaligus.

''Jatim patut berbangga karena di Puspa Agro dua rekor Muri terpecahkan sekaligus,'' ujar Manajer Muri Paulus Pangka.

Dua rekor itu adalah aksi bakar ikan bandeng sepanjang 5,2 kilometer dan panggangan ikan bakar sepanjang 5,5 kilometer. Untuk aksi tersebut, panitia menyiapkan 6,5 ton ikan; 6 ton arang; dan 2,5 ton minyak tanah.

Dua piagam Muri tersebut diserahkan kepada Ketua Forum Peningkatan Konsumsi Ikan (Forikan) Jawa Timur Nina Soekarwo dan Erlangga Satriagung, direktur utama PT Jatim Grha Utama, pengelola Pasar Induk Agrobis Puspa Agro.

Terkait dengan harga beberapa produk pertanian yang merangkak naik akhir-akhir ini, Hatta Rajasa menilai bahwa media massa, terutama televisi, terlalu membesar-besarkan. Kesannya, harga beberapa komoditas pertanian melambung tinggi. ''Kami memiliki tim yang kuat dalam hal pengendalian harga. Saat ini, bahan pokok Indonesia malah surplus hingga akhir tahun,'' tegasnya.

Soal harga cabai rawit yang naik tajam di pasar, pemerintah kembali menyalahkan waktu panen yang mundur karena perubahan iklim. Hal itu mengakibatkan stok barang langka.

Menurut Mendag Mari Elka Pangestu, pokok permasalahan perdagangan komoditas adalah masalah koneksivitas dari satu kota ke kota lain, provinsi satu ke yang lain, bahkan antarpulau. Hal tersebut menimbulkan disparitas harga yang berbeda jauh.

''Karena itu, di bawah kendali Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, kami akan membentuk tim kecil logistik nasional. Mungkin dalam jangka satu hingga dua bulan ke depan tim tersebut kami bentuk,'' jelasnya. (aan/c5/ari)[ Minggu, 18 Juli 2010 ]

English :
Officially, Puspa Agro's Largest Indonesian Agribusiness Market
SURABAYA - After eight years of waiting, East Java has finally integrated wholesale market first modern agribusiness in Indonesia, namely in Jemundo Village, Taman, Sidoarjo.

Yesterday (17 / 7), a wholesale market which is named Puspa was inaugurated Agro Economic Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa, who witnessed the Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu, Minister of Agriculture Suswono, and the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Fadel Muhammad.

Only, which was inaugurated yesterday the first phase of three planned phases. As the name implies, this market specializes in agricultural products, horticulture, fisheries, and livestock.

Thousands of farmers and traders are ready to serve buyers of retail, wholesale, up to a big party, and expect to be able to maintain supply of products of the earth. That way, the price of vegetables and other agricultural commodities can be kept stable.

Price chilli curls''last June was only Rp 14 thousand per kilo, but now it is USD 38 thousand. The price is soaring due to product shortages due to natural conditions. Puspa Agro Given this, will be made dry or chili powder,''he added.

Soekarwo statement refers to the fact that, with warehousing facilities and capacity that can serve Puspa Agro wholesalers, agricultural products, fisheries, and livestock can be stored and processed in East Java for a relatively long period of time. Accordingly, commodity prices are expected to be more stable.

Market Phase I are intended for small traders to wholesalers who have 1045 shanties filled 30 percent of them farmers from 22 districts in East Java. Meanwhile, phase II is scheduled to operate in December 2010 contains 4000 shanties plus cold storage facilities, chiller, auction house, as well as the feasibility test laboratory food.

According Soekarwo, Puspa Agro established in the area of 50 hectares of the later is not only a trading center, shelter, and logistics crops. However, the market would also be a place of training and education for farmers, youth, and general public.

In addition to the four ministers, attending a few representatives of friendly countries, Chamber of Commerce board of various regions in Indonesia, as well as provincial representatives from 23 provinces in Indonesia. Also shows the former governor of East Java Imam Utomo, who sparked the idea of a wholesale market Puspa Agro in 2002.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa show appreciation to the East Java which has a macro-economic indicators in the above-average national economic growth. He revealed, the existence of a wholesale market that increasingly leverage the potential of the economy on the future of East Java, especially in agriculture.

''We support this modern wholesale market because according to the potential of natural and human resources in East Java. Puspa Agro could increase trade, both between provinces and between nations,''he said.

Hatta promised immediate help East Java province to realize the connectivity infrastructure (access) to the market which claimed the second largest agro in Asia are. Because, until now, the only road leading to Jalan Puspa Agro only Sawunggaling, Jemundo. It was only two lanes. In fact, an estimated flow of traffic on these roads will increase dramatically once Puspa Agro operates.

Make a modern wholesale market''Puspa Agro as a pilot market for the other provinces. Develop a network,''the message that the former minister of transportation.

Puspa soft opening Agro opens with a gym in the morning at 6:00, followed about five thousand people. Proceed with the launching of the movement to eat eggs and drink milk. At the peak of the event, held the longest action grilled fish which broke two records Muri (World Record Museum of Indonesia) as well.

Java should be proud''because the two record-Muri Puspa Agro solved at once,''said manager Paul Pangka Muri.

It is the action of two record fish grilled over 5.2 kilometers and grill grilled fish along the 5.5 kilometers. For this action, the committee set up 6.5 tons of fish; 6 tons of charcoal, and 2.5 tons of kerosene.

Two charter Muri was submitted to the Chairman of Forum of Fish Consumption Improvement (Forikan) East Java and grants Satriagung Soekarwo Nina, president of PT East Java Main Grha, manager of the Parent Market Agrobis Puspa Agro.

Related to the price of some agricultural products which crept up lately, Hatta Rajasa considered that the mass media, especially television, exaggerate. Impression, the price of some agricultural commodities soared. ''We have a strong team in terms of price control. Currently, the Indonesian staple instead of surplus until the end of the year,''he asserted.

Problem cayenne prices which rose sharply in the market, again blaming the government resign because of harvest time on climate change. It resulted in a rare inventory.

According to Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu, commodity trading at issue is the problem of connectivity from one town to another, one province to another, even inter-islands. This disparity raises the prices differ greatly.

''Therefore, under the control of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, we will form small teams of national logistics. Possible within one to two months ahead we form the team,''he explained. (Aan/c5/ari) [Sunday, July 18, 2010]